Jay Townsend WS7I
WS7I History
For a look at my Ham radio career from 1967 to 2023 follow the link.
Hal WA7EGA (sk), Jay KE7PN, Ted HC5K 1987 CQWW RTTY
W5KFT Ranch from which I contested many times.
Also known as the brag sheet I guess. But I wanted to keep track of all of this somehow and a web page makes it fairly easy. Got this idea from my friend, the Cajun, Don AA5AU.
W5WMU Antenna farm and shack
WS7I publications, Articles,
Wanted to keep track of as many of the articles that I have put together over the years. I have written the RTTY Roundup results artilce for QST as well as the extended web results for those contests 2002-2012. I have written for CQ, CQ Almanac, was a columnist for the National Contest Journal doing the RTTY column for a couple of years. Wrote for the RTTY Journal and its various names through the years.
Compiled the WW RTTY WPX records for that contest from its beginings in 1995 until 2006. Submitted many records to the Ham Radio score database maintained by Ken Harker, WM5R and George K5TR. Contest Score Database
I have also created, assisted and worked on the RTTY Roundup records with Ken Harker through the years. These used to be found on the ARRL web site. Kept the North American QSO Party RTTY Records through 2002.
Here is the list of my publications from 1987-2020. WS7I Publicaton List
WS7I Terminal Unit (TU) Collection
Always have enjoyed the history and interesting equipment that has made up the RTTY experience. I started collecting some TU's several years ago when Bill Henry of Hal Communications gave me an unbuilt ST-5 kit. As I travel around to hamfests I like to get a bargain and put a piece of equipment in the collection.
Here is a link to some of the pictures of the units. WS7I TU Collection
WS7I photo Albumn
Photos through the years of WS7I and shacks that I have operated from
WS7I DX Cluster
EWARG Packetcluster WS7I-1 ws7i.ewarg.org port 7300 is open to all members and all amateurs. Sysop is Jay WS7I, this is the oldest Packetcluster in the Pacific Northwest which was WS7I running the old AK1A software. It is now running CC Cluster (VE7CC). Many SDXA members use the WS7I-1 cluster.
Last Update July 23, 2023